Harnessing and Implements for Animal Traction 
An Animal Traction Resource Book for Africa by Paul Starkey 
A Publication of the Deutsches Zentrum für Entwicklungstechnologien
GATE in: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH - 1989

  • This book is best for the References on Farm Power and Engine System B. Agri II/I 's first chapter Animal power and Sources
  • this book is equally important for the Farm Machinary and Equipments B. Agri II/II 

  • Farm Machine Design B.Agri III/II for the draft force calculation and the Agricultural Farm tool and machine design process.
  • This book can be used as References for the Engineering projects
The author Paul Starkey studied Natural Science at Oxford University, Education at Cambridge University and Tropical Agricultural Development at the University of Reading. He worked in Malawi for four years, and for seven years, and for seven years he was a technical cooperation officer in Sierra Leone, where he initiated a national animal traction programme. He is now consultant, specializing in animal traction, and also an Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for Agicultural Strategy, University of Reading. His experience has been published in many journal articles and books. He has been closely involved in regional networking activities, and has been the Technical Adviser of the West Africa Animal Traction Network since its inception in 1985. His main professional interests are the improved utilization of draft animal power and stimulating closer international liaision in this field.

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