Subject:- Principle of Crop Science and Management (AE552)
Full Marks
B. Agri
Pass mark
3 hrs
Tribhuwan University
Institute of Engineering
Examination Control Division
2073 Bhadra
 Ã¼  Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable.
ü  Attempt All questions.
ü  The figures in the margin indicate Full marks.
ü  Assume suitable data if necessary.
1.    Define agronomy. What are the scope and importance of agronomy? Classify the agronomical crops. [8]
2.    Define the meaning of propagation? Write the principle and methods of propagation.[8]
3.    What is Horticulture? Classify the vegetable crops. [8]
4.    Write the cultivation practice of rice. [8]
5.    Define germination? Write the process of germination.[6]
6.    What is seed dormancy? Write factor affecting seed dormancy and its control measures. [6]
7.    Write five major disease of field crop and their managements. [5]
8.    Write five major insects of vegetable crops and their management. [5]
9.    Write short notes on: [4×4]
                                                    I.            Effect of temperature on crops production
                                                  II.            Rainfed agriculture
                                               III.            Principle and method of pest control
                                              IV.            Principle of offseason vegetable production
10.  Define. [5×2]
i.                   Harvest index
ii.                 Mixed cropping
iii.              Pesticide
iv.              Seed quality

Source:- Department of agricultural engineering,                                             Technical support:- Paudelpadamprasad
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