CE 608

Lecture     :   3                                                                                          Year   :   III
Tutorial     :   1                                                                                          Part    :   I
Practical   :   2
Course Objective:
After completion of this course, the students will be familiar about the fundamental properties, behaviour of soil under different load condition and environment around and nature of soil.
1.       Introduction                                                                                               (2 hours)
1.1.    Definition of soil and Rock
1.2.    Importance of Soil Mechanics and soil Problems
1.3.    Historical Development
1.4.    Soil formation and Soil types
2.       Physical and Index Properties of Soils                                                   (6 hours)
2.1.    Phase Diagrams
2.2.    Basic Definition of Phase relationship
2.3.    volume weight relationships
2.4.    Water Content Determination
2.5.    Insitu  Unit Weight Determination
2.6.    Index Properties of Soil
2.7.    soil Grained and Soil Aggregate Properties of Soil
2.8.    Sieve Analysis and Sedimentation analysis
2.9.    Relative Density and Atterberg's Limits
3.       Soil Classification and Identification                                                      (3 hours)
3.1.    Field identification of Fine and Coarse Grained Soil
3.2.    Soil Classification as per
3.2.1.         Unified Soil Classification
3.2.2.         IS Classification
3.2.3.         MIT, US Bureau and International classification System
3.2.4.         Textural Classification System
4.       Soil-Water Integration                                                                             (4 hours) 
4.1.    Type of Soil Water
4.2.    Flow of Water Through Soil Mass-Darcy's Law
4.3.    Permeability of Soils
4.4.    Permeability of Stratified Soil Deposits
4.5.        Determination of Coefficient of Permeability of soil by Laboratory and Field Methods

5.       Soil Compaction                                                                                         (3 hours)
5.1.    Definition of Compaction
5.2.    Factors Affecting compaction
5.3.    Engineering Significance of Compaction
5.4.    Moisture-Density Relationship and Degree of Compaction
5.5.    Zero air Soil Line
5.6.    Laboratory test
5.7.    Field Compaction and Compaction Control
6.       Principle of Effective Stress                                                                     (5 hours)
6.1.     Stress in subsoil
6.2.     Effective Stress Principle / Physical meaning of Effective Stress
6.3.     Computation of Effective Stress for the Static and Flow conditions
6.4.     Capillarity in soils
6.5.     Quick sand Condition and Remedial Measures
6.6.     Seepage Pressure
6.7.     Flow Nets and their application
7.       Shear Strength of Soils                                                                             (5 hours)            
7.1.    Concept of Shear Strength
7.2.    Principle Planes and Principle Stresses
7.3.    Mohr's Stress circle and Failure Envelope
7.4.    Mohr-Coulomb theory of Shear Strength
7.5.    Relation Between Principle Stresses at Failure
7.6.    Critical Void ratio
7.7.    Types of Shear Tests
7.8.    Measurement of Shear Strength in Laboratory
8.       Consolidation and Settlement                                                               (4 hours)
8.1.    Difference between compaction and Consolidation
8.2.    Type of Earth Pressure
8.3.    Effect of Wall Movement on Earth Pressure
8.4.    Tarzaghi's Piston Spring Analogy for Primary Consolidation
8.5.     Consolidation Tests
8.6.    Pressures-Void Relationship
8.7.    Settlement Calculation
9.       Earth Pressure                                                                                           (5 hours)
9.1.  Introduction to Earth Pressure
9.2.  Types of Earth Pressure
9.3.  Effect of Wall Movement on Earth  Pressure
9.4.  Rankine's Earth Pressure Theory
9.5.        Computation of Active and Passive Earth Pressure on Backfill by Rankine's Theory
9.6.        Coulomb's Earth Pressure Theory
9.7.  Stability Analysis on Earth Retaining Structures
10.   Foundation                                                                                                 (3 hours)
10.1. Definition and Types of Foundation
10.2. Types of Shallow and Deep Foundation
10.3. Functions of Foundation
10.4. Location and Depth of Foundation
10.5. Factors Affecting Types of foundation
10.6. Concept of Spread and Mat Foundation
10.7. Site Investigation for Foundation
11.   Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Shallow Foundations               (5 hours)
11.1. Basic Definition
11.2. Factors Affecting Bearing Capacity
11.3. Types of Shear Failures
11.4. Tarzaghi's General Bearing Capacity Theory
11.5. Ultimate Bearing Capacity in Cohesive and Cohesion less Soils
11.6. Foundation settlement
11.7. Insitu Test of Bearing Capacity

1.       Numerical Problems on three phase diagrams of soils.                                       
2.       Numerical Problems on soil water and permeability of soils.                             
3.       Numerical Problems on soil compaction                                                                
4.       Numerical Problems on effective stress                                                                 
5.       Numerical Problems on shear strength of soils                                                     
6.       Numerical Problems on Press void relationship and settlement due to primary consolidation of soils         
7.       Numerical Problems on earth pressure and stability analysis of retaining structure                                         
8.       Numerical problems on bearing capacity of soils.                                                                                                    
1.       Determination of Water Content by oven drying method
2.       Determination of Water Content by pycnometer method
3.       Determination of specific gravity by pycnometer method
4.       Determination of field density by core cutter methods
5.       Determination of field density by sand replacement methods
6.       Sieve analysis of coarse grained Soil
7.       Hydrometer analysis of fine grained soil
8.       Determination of liquid limit and plastic limit of fine grained soil
9.       Determination of coefficient of permeability by constant head and variable head permeameter test method
10.    Proctor compaction test of soil
11.    Unconfined compression test of soil
12.    Direct shear test of soil

1.       Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics by Gopal Rajan; New Age International (P) Limited
2.       Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering by b.C. Punmia. Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd.
3.       A Textbook of soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering by V.N.S Murthy. UBS Publishers and Distributors.
4.       Soil Mechanics and Foundation 'Engineering by K.R. Arora. Standard Book House, New Delhi.

Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as indicated in the table below
Mark Distribution*
*    There could be a minor deviation in the marks distribution
Ø  The questions setting should be in the multiplication of either 8 or 10.
source: Department Of Agricultural Engineering

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