Lecture     :   3                                                                                              Year   :   IV
Tutorial    :   1                                                                                              Part    :   I      
Practical   :   1.5                                                                                             
Course Objective:
To familiarize and orient the students in planning, management and development of engineering problem solving technology related to the watershed management.
1.       Introduction and Concept of Watershed Management                      [7 hours]
1.1.  Definition and Classification of Watershed
1.2.  Delineation of Watershed Boundary
1.3.  Geomorphological Characteristics of Watershed
1.4.  Coding of Watershed
1.5.  Analysis of Watershed: Shape, Size, Drainage Network and Relief
1.6.  Watershed as a Planning and Management Unit
2.       Land Capability Classification                                                                    [5 hours]
2.1.     Importance and Application of Land Capability Classification
2.2.     Land capability classification scheme
2.3.     Land capability Sub-classes and units
2.4.     Interpretation and use of land capability maps
2.5.     Identification of land capability classes in the field
3.       Runoff and Water Yield of Watershed                                                   [6 hours]
3.1.  Runoff process
3.2.  Runoff measurement- velocity, area and slope area methods
3.3.  Runoff measuring devices- notch, orifice, flume
3.4.  Empirical methods in runoff estimation:
3.4.1.  Rational method
3.4.2.  Cook’s method
3.4.3.  SCS curve number method
3.5.  Stage discharge relationship
3.6.  Estimation of watershed yield
4.       Sedimentation                                                                                             [6 hours]
4.1.     Sediments
4.2.     Sediment transport in stream flow
4.3.     Types of sediment load
4.4.     Assessment of sediments load:
4.4.1.   Types of sediment samplers
4.4.2.   Location and frequency of sampling
4.4.3.   Sediment observation posts- location and observation   
4.4.4.   Analysis of sediment samples
4.5.     Estimation of sediment yield of watershed
5.       Reservoir Sedimentation                                                                          [4 hours]
5.1.     Distribution of sediments in reservoir
5.2.     Prediction of sediment distribution
5.3.     Factors affecting silting of reservoir
5.4.     Rates of reservoir sedimentation
5.5.     Reservoir sedimentation control
6.       Evaluation of Land Degradation and Trends                                          [5 hours]
6.1.     Definition of land degradation
6.2.     Causes of land degradation:
6.2.1.   Natural causes
6.2.2.   Man made causes
6.2.3.   Socio - economic factors
6.3.     Forms of land degradation
6.3.1.   Physical degradation
6.3.2.   Chemical degradation
6.3.3.   Productivity loss
6.3.4.   Vegetation degradation
6.4.     Assessment of Land Degradation
6.5.     Visual methods for identifying signs of soil erosion and productivity loss
7.       Watershed Management Planning                                                          [7 hours]
7.1.     Sub-watershed and micro-watershed prioritization
7.2.     Concept of Integrated Watershed Management planning
7.3.     Data needs for Watershed Management plan:
7.3.1.   Hydro-meteorological data
7.3.2.   Geological and Geomorphological data
7.3.3.   Agricultural Data
7.3.4.   Socio-economic data
7.4.     Synthesizing watershed information into a coherent plan
7.5.     Formulation of project proposal
8.       Watershed management works                                                              [5 hours]
8.1.     Factors affecting watershed management
8.2.     Watershed management Practices
8.3.     Steps in watershed management
8.4.     Monitoring and evaluation of watershed management works

1.       Delineation of watershed boundary using topographical maps and aerial photographs and determination of geographical characteristics of watershed                                                                  [1.5 hours]
2.       Preparation of slope map                                                                       [1.5 hours]
3.       Identification of data needs and hydro- meteorological gauging of watershed               [1.5 hours]
4.       Runoff gauging and Estimation of water yield                                        [3 hours]
5.       Sediment Gauging and Analysis                                                                [3 hours]
6.       Compilation of geological, hydrological, meteorological, land system, land use, soil, agricultural and socio- economic information of a             watershed                                                                                                     [3 hours]
7.       Socio- economic questionnaire design and survey                               [3 hours]
8.       Prioritization of watershed for conservation and protection              [3 hours]

1.       Suresh R. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering.2002. Standard Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi
2.       V.V Dhruvanarayana, G. Shastri and U.S. Patnaik. Watershed management. Indian Council of Agricultural Research( ICAR)
3.       G. Singh, C. Venkataraman. G. Shastri and B.P. joshi. Manual of soil and water Conservation practices. Oxford and IBH publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi     
4.       Tideman E.M. 1999.Watershed Management (Guideline for Indian Conditions). Omega publishing house, New Delhi.
5.       Singh Rajir. 2000. Watershed planning and management. Yash publishing     House, Bikaner.
6.       Lal, R. 1996. Methods and guidelines for assessing sustainable use of soil and water resources in the tropics. Jagmander book agency, Karol bagh, New Delhi.
7.       Dhaliwla G.S., Hansa, B.S. and ladhar S.S. 1993. Wetlands their conservation and management. Punjab agricultural university, Ludhiana.
8.       Murty V.V.N and takeuchi, D.K. 1997. land and water development for agriculture in Asia- pacific region. Oxford and IBH publishing co. New Delhi.
9.       Wasshiullah, gupta S.K. and dalal S.S. Hydrological measurements for watershed research. Jugal kishore and co. Dehradun.
10.   Bruce J.P. and Clark R.H. (latest edition). Introduction to hydrometeorology, pergamon press, London.
11.   Chow V.T. (ed) 1988. Handbook of applied hydrology McGraw Hill Book Co.

Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters in the Syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as indicated in the table below.
Marks distribution*
*There may be minor variations in marks distribution
 source:-Department of Agricultural Engineering

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