#Basic_Electronics #TU_IOE Collection of some important Lecture notes, Numerical solution, Old question and Reference book on Basic Electronics Engineering for IOE BE I/II

References Books
1.Electronics Devices and Amplifier Circuits Second Edition - by Steven T Karris
2.Electronics Devices and Circuits Second Edition -by JIMMIE J. CATHEY
3. Electronics Devices and Circuits Theory - by ROBERT BOYLESTAD &LOUIS NASHELSKY
Old Question Collection
1. Six Old question set of IOE exam 2069 to 2071 Bhadra and Magh - by Edunepal.info
Lecture notes and Numerical Solution
1. Bipolar junction transistor's lecture notes and numerical solution- by Introductory Electronics Notes The University of Michigan-Dearborn
3. Some Numerical on flipflop circuit- by Introductory Electronics Notes The University of Michigan-Dearborn
2. Lecture 17 The Bipolar Junction Transistor -by spring 2007
4. Zener diode lecture notes - by Introductory Electronics Notes The University of Michigan-Dearborn
5. Some Numerical on Aplifier circuit- by Introductory Electronics Notes The University of Michigan-Dearborn
6. Some Numerical on low frequency Aplifier circuit- by Introductory Electronics Notes The University of Michigan-Dearborn
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