Prepositions: are words often used
before a noun to show it relations to the other part of a clause.
1. On.
Date/ day/ parts of a particular day: on 3rd
November, on my birthday, on Christmas day
Vehicles: on motorbike, (which we ride on them)
direction/ position on the line: on the table, on the left, on the way to home
Electronic media: on Kantipur TV, on the radio, on the
To describe an activity: on business, on holiday.
Supported by somebody/something: standing on the foot,
on the comitee.
2. In
Place( city, country, village): in Dharan, in the
field, in Asia
Inside positions: in the room, in the car, in his bag
Profession: I am in trade, in army, in college
Parts of a day/ period of time: in the morning, in a
few weeks, in the evening
Form, shape, arrangement and quantity of something:
they are in row. I am in blue shirts.
Month/year/century: in July, in 2017, in 21st
Language/ medium: in English, I write in Nepali.
Aspects: Nepal is rich in natural beauty. We are backward
in science and technology.
Phrases: in spite of, in my opinion, in conclusion, in
such a way
3. At
Fixed place: at the theatre, at the lakeside, at home,
at the concert
Time/ age of certain events: at 11 AM, he had started
education at 4.
Rate/ speed/ point: gold sells at 48,000/- a tola. We
drove at 90 km/hr. Water bolis at 100ºC.
Activity /
course: I’m good at dancing. I’m poor at English.
4. Between
Used for two person or things: I am standing between
5. To
Destination/ direction: I went to college. To the
right of the door there is notice board.
Limitation/ comparison: I read the book from page no.
7 to 70. The Prime Minister is superior
to all ministers.
Receiver: Please pass this note to Manoj.
6. For
Aimed at: this note is for BAG.
Because of
Price: I paid 45,000 for this cell phone.
Destination: He left for Paris yesterday.
7. Over
Vertically up: the plane flew over the mountains.
Throughout: telephone service is all over Nepal.
More than: over 70% people in Nepal are farmer.
Completion: the class was over by 1 pm.
8. By
Vehicle: I went to Biratnagar by motor cycle.
Measure: gold sell by grams.
Cause: he was hit by bus.
Origin: I am an Indian by birth.
Author/ writer: Hamlet is written by Shakespeare.
Through: the thief entered by the back window.
9. Above:
Higher than: there is beautiful village above the
green fields.
More than: over 70% people in Nepal are farmer.
· In company
of: I went to Pokhara with my friends.
· Carrying: he came here with carrying laptop.
· Concerning:
students are not happy with the result.
· On opposite
site: there is a bank across the street.
· One side to
another: he ran across the river.
Some other prepositions
1. After: he
ran after the thief.
2. Against:
the table is against the war
3. Among: I am
standing among the students.
4. Around:
around 40% people in Nepal lack health facility.
5. Before: I
wake up before 8 am
6. Behind:
there is forest behind our college.
7. Besides:
besides books, bring laptop also.
8. In front
of: in front of the college there is a tree.
9. Up: ram
walked up the hills.
Towards: he ran toward the bus.
Through: I ran
through water.
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