Elements of Soil Science - Past / old Questions - 2068 Baishakh, Bachelor in Agricultural Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, Third semester,


Elements of Soil Science - Past Questions - 2068 Baishakh


Examination Control Division
2068 Baishakh

Exam: Regular / Back
Level: BE
Programme: B.Agri.
Year / Part: II / I
Time: 3 hrs.
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32

Subject: Elements of Soil Science

✓ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
✓ Attempt All questions.
✓ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
✓ Assume suitable data if necessary.

a) What are the Pedological and Edaphological concepts for defining the soil? Write the process of soil survey and mapping.

b) What are factors affecting soil formation? Describe about surface diagnostic horizon.

a) Classify the soil according to soil reaction (pH value). Describe about major soil forming process.

b) Describe seasonal soil temperature variation as function of depth with diagram. What are the characteristics of soil aeration?

a) Differentiate between soil texture and soil structure. Describe the method of formation of stable aggregation.

b) What are methods of managing soil temperature? How does soil become acidic or basic? Explain.

a) What are the types of soil colloids? Discuss about anion exchange capacity and its importance.

b) Define nitrification, denitrification, and nitrogen fixation. What are the functions of boron, zinc, and nitrogen?

a) What are the functions of organic matters? Write the steps of procedure for laboratory analysis of soil.

b) What are the functions of primary plant nutrients?

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