Integrated farming components support each other & reduce external inputs. Features: high yield, better management, efficient resources, circularity.
Integrated farming (mixed farming) is a system with simultaneous activities involving crops and animals. The main purpose of integrated farming is so that the farming components support one another; hence, reducing external inputs. For instance, the crop can provide animal feed/fodder for the livestock, and the livestock as fertilizer (manure) for the crop. Some livestock can also act as weed control by foraging in the weeds. Because of reformist contracting of ranch holding to acquire the greatest yield appropriation of the blended cultivating framework with domesticated animals and fish become mainstream in the country's wetland and watershed spaces. The result use of one sub-framework for example excreta of animals turns into a contribution to a second sub-framework for example in fish culture. The study involves the detailed design and layout of integrated farm components and the estimation. The result obtained from the study was found to be satisfactory in terms of economic and management analysis. Here, the Fish cum duck cum swine cum cattle cum poultry system is primarily focused. This project presents the study and design plan of the various components which can be integrated to achieve the best performance.
Keywords: Integrated Farming System; Fish Pond; Swine House; Poultry
Farming components of Integrated farming support each other and reduce external inputs. Greatest yield, better management, resource utilization, and circularity are the main features; Weed and pest control, excreta feeding, waste circulation, housing and integration are major principles.
✏️ Prasanna Sapkota1, Shrijana Lamichhane2, Dharmendra Mahato3, Santosh Pokhrel4
1Engineer, PMAMP, PIU, Baglung
2Engineer, PMAMP, PIU, Banke
3Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Sunsari
4Engineer, Green Eye Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Sunsari
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Integrated livestock farming concept |
1. Introduction
Integrated Livestock Farming System is an eco-friendly approach to Sustainable Agricultural Environment that is environmentally friendly and cost-effective. The farming system concept takes into account the components of soil, water, livestock, labor, capital, energy, and other resources, within the farm. The most beneficial theme of the Integrated Livestock Farming System is that the waste of one component of farm activity becomes the input for the other component.
For the project, we take into account the design of an integrated livestock farming system. An integrated livestock farming system refers to the good management of various types of livestock in such a way that they are interrelated to each other and occupy the least space possible. Integrated Farming is a judicious mix of agricultural enterprises like dairy, poultry, piggery, fishery, sericulture, etc. suited to the given agroclimatic conditions and socioeconomic status of the farmers would bring prosperity in the farming. The integrated farming system approach introduces an adjustment of the cultivating methods for the greatest creation in the editing example and deals with the ideal usage of assets. Integration of livestock in fish culture is an old-age system of practice. Ducks, poultry, pig, cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goats are common in mixed farming.
Due to the progressive shrinking of farm holding to obtain maximum output adoption of a mixed farming system with livestock and fish become very popular in wetland and watershed areas of the country. The byproduct utilization of one sub-system e.g. excreta of livestock becomes an input to a second sub-system i.e. in fish culture.
Sustainable agriculture refers to the method of farming in such a way that the present food and textile need of the society is fulfilled completely without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their needs. The problem with the present agricultural practice in Nepal is the mere practice of sustainable agriculture. There are also the problems like agricultural inputs and low yields. Small Farmers in nonindustrial nations are more unfortunate than the remainder of the populace, regularly not getting sufficient food to lead ordinary, solid what's more, dynamic lives. Managing neediness and craving in a large part of the world along these lines implies standing up to the issues that little ranchers and their families face in their day-by-day battle for endurance.
In IFS, a product of one component acts as input for the other farming system. As we can integrate various farming practices in a single unit so that it becomes productive, research should be done in IFS. Livestockfish production systems develop to satisfy needs if they fit into the resource base or environment, and if they are socially and economically viable. Macro-level factors may also have a significant influence and there are environmental implications, both on- and off-farm, for the development of a sustainable system.
The general objective is to design the layout and demonstrate a model of the Integrated Livestock Farming System.
The specific objectives of the study are as follows.
To understand and interpret the interaction of livestock with each other in respect of physical, biological, and socioeconomic factors.
To plan a proper waste management system.
To design and estimate housings for farmsteads.
2. Methodology
There are certain activities to fulfill our mentioned activities. Various activities with their materials or software required are well illustrated in the table.
Table 1: Research Methodology
3. Results and Discussions
Table 2: Salient Features of the Project
A. Infrastructure Components
(i) Fencing and Compound
(ii) Pathways
All the possible spaces can be utilized as pathways. The possible pathways go all around the farm and are represented in the plan.
(iii) Office Building
1. Office Room
Dimension: 3m ×3m
Office Room is to carry out the required administrative function of the farm. It provides a space for the office personnel to carry out paper works and management functions.
2. Storage & Sales Room: Dimension: 4m ×3m
The purpose of the storage and sales room is to provide a space for performing the sales activities. The products from the farm can be stored in the room and transported to the market or sold in retail. This room is equipped with product handling and packaging tools including refrigerator and weighing equipment.
(iv) Worker Quarter
Dimension: 6m ×2.4m
It includes two rooms each of 3m*2.4m and a washroom of 1m×2.4m
(v) Feed Storage
Dimension: 5m×2.4m
The purpose of the building is to store the feed for the poultry chicken, fish, and buffalos.
(vi) Water Storage
Water Supply is one of the most important parts of farm planning and farm design. There must be enough storage of the water required for the day-to-day operation of the farm. A continuous source of water is to be determined. This might be water supplied from the well, canal, or municipal pipelines.
Table 3: Water Requirement Calculations
Determination of Size of the Tank
We all know the Volume of water formula as 1 m3 = 1000 liters of water
To get the size of the water tank, you need to mention at least one dimension (Length, Width, or Depth of the water tank).
In this case, Let's determine the depth of the tank to be 1.5m.
The plan is to construct the underground water tank
1 liter = 0.001 m3
1713 liter =1.713 m3 Depth= 1.5m Length=2×Width
Therefore, Length×Width= 1.142
Finally, since we need to have some extra water in the storage for the time of shortage we add an extra factor of 100% to the length and width and 0.15m as freeboard.
Length of Tank= 3m
Width of Tank= 1.5m
Height of tank= 1.65m
Dimension: 3m × 1.5m ×1.65m
(vii) Drainage and Water Supply
This part of the design is mainly associated with the pond for fish rearing. Mechanical Drainage and Emergency outlet provisions are to be done. A canal is provided to perform the task.
Inlet Pipe: An inlet pipe is provided for the pond. The water capacity of the pond is calculated to be 6088m3 when the water is filled up to 1.2m height. Assuming that the water in the pond has to be completely circulated/changed in a day, i.e. 24 hours. The length of the inlet pipe from the main canal to the pond is calculated as 15m and the head loss of 1m per 500m. The total discharge of water required to perform accordingly is calculated to be 70 lpm. Each pipe is provided with valves to regulate the water flow.
Hence the diameter of the pipe for the inlet = 8inch
For safety factors and during the time of emergencies, it is good to have two pipes of the required dimensions i.e. 8-inch dia. each.
Outlet Pipe: An outlet pipe is provided at the lower end of the pond. The diameter of the pipe is kept as the inlet pipe i.e. 8inch. The pipe is placed at the height of 1 meter from the bottom of the pond to drain out the water during the harvesting of fish. It is used during the recirculation of the pond. Two such pipes are planned for faster operation and emergencies. Each pipe is provided with valves for regulating water flow and a net at the end to prevent fish from going through it.
Overflow channel: An overflow channel is provided on the surface of the bank of the pond with a width of 0.6m and depth of 0.3m which lets the water out of the pond in case of heavy rainfall. Such channels can be customized according to the need and requirements of the area. Two such channels are provided such that their dimension can be changed in case of emergencies. A steel bar net is provided to prevent the escaping of fish during the overflow of water.
B. Farming Components
(i) Fish Farming
Fish Pond: Dimensions, Area, and Volume
Total allocated Plot Area: 5304 m2 = 0.53 hectares
Dimensions of Pond: 102m×52m=5304m2
Depth of Pond: 2m
Height of water inside the pond: 1.2m to 1.5m
The volume of Water Pond: 6088m3
Stocking Density: 7000 fingerlings per hectare
No. of Fish in Pond: 3500
Dyke Slope: 100% (1:1)
Base Slope: 0.2% (500:1)
Fish Rearing: Semi-Intensive fish culture is to be implemented. The pond is stocked after the pond water is properly detoxified. They will feed on the phytoplankton and zooplankton growing in the pond water. The surplus nutrition required is provided by the palates. The stocking rates vary from 6000 - 8500 fingerlings/ha and a species ratio of 40 % surface feeders, 20 % of column feeders, 30 % bottom feeders, and 10-20 % weedy feeders are preferred for high fish yields. The mixed culture of only Indian major carp can be taken up with a species ratio of 40 % surface, 30 % column, and 30 % bottom feeders. The species to be chosen will be Silver Carp, Common Carp, Bighead Carp, Grass Carp, and Indian Carp.
(ii) Poultry Farming
Chicken Coops:
No. of Chicken Coop: 1
Dimension of Chicken Coop: 3.75m×3.3m
Rearing System: Three-tier steel cage system
The capacity of Chicken Coop: 120 Layers of Chicken
Dimension of Cage: 2.15m × 2.1m ×1.5m
Space per Bird: 376 cm2
Chicken Rearing: The Layers chicken of 8 to 16 weeks old is caged in the cage system. They are provided with the required feed and water from the systems attached to the caging system. Deep Litter Farming can also be adopted instead. The advantage of cage farming over deep litter farming is the easy handling of eggs, feed and waste as well as the use of less space. Each chicken coop has the maximum ability to hold 120 layers’ of chicken each.
Experiments have shown that the Layers chickens are the best option in this system of farming because of their susceptibility to various diseases. Apart from this, they need less care and maintenance than the broilers. Furthermore, they produce eggs daily for a long period of up to 2 years which can generate daily income. The mobility of the chicken is kept very less. The stocking density must be maintained to ensure the welfare of the birds.
(iii) Duck Farming
Duck Housing
Duck Rearing: The kind of duck to be raised must be chosen with care because not all domesticated races are productive. The important breeds of ducks are Sylhet Mete and Nageswari. 2 - 4 months old ducklings are kept on the pond after giving those important prophylactic prescriptions as a defense against diseases and epidemics.
Ducks in the open water can find natural food from the pond but that is not sufficient for their proper growth. A mixture of any standard balanced poultry feed and rice bran in the ratio of 1:2 by weight can be fed to the ducks as supplementary feed at the rate of 100 gm/ bird/day. The feed is given twice a day, first in the morning and second in the evening. The feed is given either on the pond embankment or in the duck house and the spilled feed is then drained into the pond. Water must be provided in the containers deep enough for the ducks to submerge their bills, along with the feed. The ducks are not able to eat without water. Ducks are quite susceptible to aflatoxin contamination; therefore, moldy feeds kept for a long time should be avoided.
The ducks start laying eggs after attaining the age of 24 weeks and continue to lay eggs for two years. The ducks lay eggs only at night. It is always better to keep some straw or hay in the corners of the duck house for egg laying. The eggs are collected every morning after the ducks are let out of the duck house.
(iv) Pig Farming
Swine Housing
No. of Swine Housing: 2
Dimension of Swine Housing 1: 13.9m ×4m
The capacity of Swine Housing: 5 Adults, 10 Piglets
Space per Pig: 2.2m ×3 m
Feed Storage; Dimension: 3m×2.5m
Swine Rearing: Change is the breed mostly preferred in Nepal. It feeds about 2-4 kilograms of feed per day.
(v) Buffalo/Cow Farming
Buffalo Shed
Dimension: 13.65m×2.5m
Capacity: 10 Buffalos/Cow
Space per buffalo: 1.35m×1.65m
Feed Storage
Dimension: 8m×2.5m
Working Space Dimension: 2.75m×2.5 42
Compost Pit
Dimension: 6m×2.5m
Mixture Diameter: 0.9m
Buffalo Rearing: Any local or hybrid species of buffalo rearing can be practiced. The certain amount of grass required for the buffalo can grow in the field available within the boundary. Approximately 4 to 6 kilograms of concentrate feed, 20 kilograms of grass, 10 kilograms of dry fodder such as paddy straw, 50 grams of the mineral mixture, and 50 liters of water are required per day for a murrah buffalo. The storage facility is provided to store paddy straw and feeding materials.
Cow Rearing: Rearing of any local or hybrid species of cow is also equally possible in the shed designed. The advantage of cow rearing over buffalo is that it produces more milk than buffalo but requires more care.
The design includes barn equipment such as water bowls and stanchions.
C. Integration of the farm Component and their Operation
The International Organization of Biological Control (IOBC) describes Integrated Farming according to the UNI 11233-2009 European standard as a farming system where high-quality organic food, feed, fiber, and renewable energy are produced by using resources such as soil, water, air, and nature as well as regulating factors to farm sustainably and with as little polluting inputs as possible. Particular emphasis is placed on an integrated organic management approach looking at the whole Bio farm as a cross-linked unit, on the fundamental role and function of agro-ecosystems, on nutrient cycles that are balanced and adapted to the demand of the crops, and on health and welfare of all livestock on the farm. Preserving and enhancing soil fertility, maintaining and improving a diverse environment and the adherence to ethical and social criteria are indispensable basic elements. Crop protection takes into account all biological, technical, and chemical methods which then are balanced carefully to protect the environment, maintain the profitability of the business and fulfill social requirements.
The designed system of agricultural practice is Integrated Livestock Farming, which integrates Fish, Duck, Pig, Buffalo, and Duck and is capable of producing Fish, Eggs, Meat, and Milk as the product. The production cost of the items will be decreased by the execution of the plan. The waste created by the animals is utilized inside the ranch as feed to each other.
This system is somewhere revolving around Fish farming. The main potential linkages between livestock and fish production concern the use of nutrients, particularly the reuse of livestock manures for fish. The term nutrients mainly refer to elements such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) which function as fertilizers to stimulate natural food webs rather than conventional livestock nutrition usage such as feed ingredients. Fish Pond is considered an essential component in the integration of various livestock. Studies show that the feeding cost of fish can be decreased by 50-60% by the application of this technique. Furthermore, the operational cost and maintenance costs can also be decreased. The entire integrated system can be explained by understanding the relations between the various components and their working mechanisms.
(i) Fishery
Fishes are the major component of the integration. Most of the waste produced by the other components of the farm act as the input to the fish. First of all let us understand the basic requirements of the fish ponds.
The pond ought to be water retentive and not to be arranged in the flood-inclined territory. There should be consistent water supply or throughout the year there should be water in the pond. Ponds that can hold 8 or more-month water additionally, can be considered for integrated fish farming. In any event, there should be 1.0 m of water and the ideal is 1.5 to 3.0 m.
Soil pH ought to be within the range of 6.5 to 7.5. On the off chance that the soil pH isn't up to the ideal level, the pH might be amended by utilization of lime and the amount of lime is 2000 kg/ha for 4.0 to 5.0 pH, 1200 kg for 5.1 to 6.0, 1000 kg for 6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic), 400 kg for 6.6 to 7.0 (more or less neutral) and 200 kg/ha for pH 7.1 to 7.5, which is somewhat alkali. Lime helps in looking after pH, and executes and breaks down parasites. The lime ought to be applied in 3 to 4 split doses. The basal portion of lime and cow fertilizer application per hectare of water bodies is 1200 kg and 5000 kg, separately. The pond should be routinely cleaned from aquatic plants which block sunlight and hampers oxygen circulation in water as well as provide shelter to the fish predators.
The wedding should be possible physically, precisely, naturally, artificially, or by expanding the water profundity in the lake. To murder ruthless fishes, Mahua (Bassicala centifolia) might be applied at the pace of 2500 kg/ha of water bodies. By continued netting, undesirable fishes may likewise be eliminated. The alkali, tea seed cake, and fading powder likewise can be applied to eliminate fish.
Stocking Density of fish matters a lot. Many studies carried out in different places of the world suggest from 6000 to 8500 fish per hectare of fishpond. For the design 7000 fishes per hectare is suggested i.e. 3500 fishes in each of the ponds. In general practice as well as in research it is found that the stocking ratio of various kinds of fish maintained as 40% surface feeder, 30% column feeder, and 30% bottom feeder provides the maximum yield. Hence, the number of fishes and their species is determined as:
Pond with 3500,
Table 4: Fish Species and Number
Research done by the experts and the farmers has shown that due to the integration of fish with the livestock, the feeding requirements of the fish have been decreased by 40% to 60%.
On average, we can clearly understand that approximately half reduce the feeding requirements. We can plan the nutrition value to half the standard requirement.
(ii) Poultry with Fishery
Layers of Chicken are reared for integration with the fish. The poultry coop is generally built just above the pond or alongside the pond. For the design, the coop is designed above the pond. Chickens are fed with the regular or standard grains available in the market. Poultry is not responsible for the production of meat and eggs only but it also produces manure, which has a high nutritional value. Integrated fish farming with poultry is generally cultured as the poultry manure is a very efficient fertilizer for fishponds. The poultry droppings comprise 2% nitrogen, 1.25% phosphoric acid, and 0.75% potash. The low feeding cost per individual fish makes poultry farming along with fish, a common investment for farmers. Production wastes include spilled feed as well, and they may be used as fresh inputs for the fish. Likewise, during the accidental death of the chicken, they can be chopped into pieces and fed to the fish as a source of protein. Studies show that a chicken produces approximately an average of 60 grams of dropping per day with the nutrition content. The mass of poultry dropping required for a one-hectare pond has been calculated as 50kg/day. The excess amount of feces can cause issues with the quality of water in the pond (Ojha & Michael, 2013).
In the design, the chicken coop has been designed to accommodate 120 chickens in each pond, which are capable of producing 7.2kg of manure per day. This data will be taken into account in the upcoming title and explained.
(iii) Duck Farming with Fishery
This combination of integration farming has been in practice for a very long time ago. There is a great interrelation between the fish and the duck. Considering the easy operation of dayto-day farm management and optimum production the livestock house is constructed above the water bodies, especially for duck or poultry, nearby the pond or bank of pond or partly in water and land. In the design, the duck housing is alongside the pond which gives the duck enough access to the water. Rearing Ducks require water bodies because of the duck’s nature. The Fish Pond provides the water area required for the duck. The duck also feeds on unwanted plants and creatures.
On the other hand, Ducks provide manure to the fish pond which helps the zooplankton and phytoplankton to flourish which feeds the fish. Furthermore, the most important role that ducks play role in the fishery is that the movement of duck on the surface of the water helps in the aeration of the water and dissolves the oxygen required by the fish.
Further advantages came forward by the practice of this method of livestock farming. The water surface of the pond comes to full utilization by the rearing of the duck. The predators are fed upon by the ducks and enhance the growth of the fingerlings. It has been found that duck raising in ponds reduces the protein demand of the fish by 2-3%.
The important breeds of ducks are Sylhet Mete and Nageswari. Each duck voids between 125 – 150 gm of droppings per day. The stocking density of 200-300 ducks/ha gives 10,000 – 15,000 kg of droppings. It has been found that 200 – 300 ducks are sufficient to produce manure adequate to fertilize a hectare of water area under fish culture. For the design rearing of a total of 50-75, ducks are sufficient for both ponds but the design can accommodate 50 ducks in each duck housing. This data will be explained in the upcoming title.
Ducks in the open water can find natural food from the pond but that is not sufficient for their proper growth. A mixture of any standard balanced poultry feed and rice bran in the ratio of 1:2 by weight can be fed to the ducks as supplementary feed at the rate of 100 gm/ bird/day.
(iv) Pig Farming with Fishery
Integrated fish-pig farming is a viable and feasible scientific approach to augment fish production at a low cost. The Pigs provide manure to the pond, which enhances the growth of the phytoplankton and zooplankton. The pig shed is so designed that the feces of the pigs are directly fed into pond water. The fishes directly consume a part of the feces as well. Production wastes of pigs include manure, urine, and spilled feed; and they may be used as fresh inputs for the growth of fish.
Maize, groundnut, wheat-bran, fishmeal, and mineral mixture provide the base for concentrated feed mixture for feeding the pigs. It is not only that the pigs only contribute to fish, the dead fish can act as feed for the pigs as well. In such cases, the dead fish can also be utilized properly. In the studies, it is found that the excreta produced by 35-40 pigs are found adequate to fertilize one hectare of the pond. For the plan designed, we rear 5 pigs for the pond.
The table shows the approximate amount of excreta produced by pigs of various stages of the pig.
Table 4: Pig Manure
(iv) Buffalo Farming with Fishery
Buffalo plays the same role as the pigs play in this system of integrated farming i.e. provides manure to fertilize the pond for the growth of feed for the fish. The excreta of the buffalo is directed towards the pond. Researchers have found that 50kg/ha/day of buffalo dung is necessarily used to fertilize the ponds to obtain maximum output. Generally, this amount of manure is produced by 2-3 buffalos. It means that the designed pond requires 25kg of buffalo dung per day. The dung from the buffalo is collected and slurry is made in the mixture. The slurry thus made, is fed into the fishpond. Furthermore, before filling the pond with water after construction or before putting fish, a higher amount of dung is spread throughout the pond (Ojha & Michael, 2013).
In the design, the plan accommodates 10 buffalos. It is designed so because of various reasons. There is a sufficient region around the pond which is available for the vegetation. Enough amount of grass can be planted along with various fruits and vegetables around the pond region. The excess manure thus produced is made into compost manure and can be utilized for growing feed for the buffalo itself or sold. Furthermore, rearing 2 buffalos is less productive than rearing 10 buffalos, as 10 buffalos can generate more income comparatively rearing 5 sets of 2 buffalos.
(v) Vegetation around the Fish Pond
This is not the actual part of the study for the allocated project but we must understand these aspects as well. The land around the pond can be properly utilized for the growth of Grass, fruits, and vegetables. Extra income can be generated by selling those products as well as they act as feed, especially for buffalos and pigs. Grasses, Fruits like bananas and Guava, and Seasonal Vegetables can be grown around the pond. The crops require less irrigation and the pond water can be utilized for irrigation. Since the pond water is rich in fertilizer, it enhances the growth of the crops. The design provides an area of 867sq. meters of open area, which can be utilized to grow crops. Furthermore, the water from the pond discharged due to overflow or water circulation should be directed towards the crops, especially paddy. The nutrients from the water are likely to enhance the production.
D. Determination of the number of livestock
A tabulated summary of the planned number of livestock involved in the integration with the fishpond can be tabulated as:
Table 5: Determination of the Number of Livestock
Since we have both the pond of equal size,
Let us carry out the calculations considering one pond.
For Fishes ,
According to the experts and research, No. of Fishes to be reared in one ha pond: 8000
Area of Pond = 0.5ha
Therefore, the appropriate number of fish to be reared= 4000
Since the other component is Chicken. Duck, Pig, and Buffalo are there to contribute manure to the fishpond, their numbers must be well calculated so that there are not too less nor too many nutrients in the pond. No. of chicken, ducks, pigs, and buffalo to be reared should be in equal proportion to the nutritional value of their excreta produced by them.
For Chicken,
For only fish and chicken integration,
the amount of manure required: is 50kg per ha per day Area of the Pond = 0.5ha
Amt. of manure required= 50×0.5= 25kg/day
Hence, for the total integration, Amt. of manure requires=25/4 = 6.25kg per day
Manure Produced by one chicken: 60g per day = 0.06kg per day
Therefore No. of chicken to be reared=6.25/0.06 = 104
For Duck,
From the research, it is shown that 200-300 ducks are enough to produce enough fertilizer for the fishpond of one hectare, let us go with 300 ducks.
For fish and duck integration,
No. of Ducks required for 0.5ha fish pond = 150 ducks
Hence, for total integration, No. of Ducks to be reared=150/4 = 38
For Pig,
For only fish and pig integration,
No. of pigs required to produce enough excreta: is 40 per ha Area of Pond=0.5ha
No. of pigs required= 40×0.5=20
Hence, for total integration, No. of pigs required=25/5 = 5
For Buffalo,
For only fish and buffalo integration,
Amount of manure required: is 50kg per ha per day Area of Pond: 0.5 ha
Amt. of manure required= 50×0.5 = 25kg per day
For Total integration, Amt. of manure required=25/4 = 6.25kg per day
Manure Produced by one buffalo: 15kg per day
Hence, No. of buffalos required= 6.25/15 =0.41
Calculation and Estimation of Potential Yield:
• Expected Fish Production: In the system of fish farming, we can implement further two techniques of introducing the fingerlings to the pond. We get two different outcomes for both techniques. The first technique is to introduce the fry into the pond and the second technique is to introduce advanced fingerlings into the pond. Nowadays introduction of advanced fingerlings into the pond is more popular because of their growing duration. In the case of the Introduction of advanced fingerlings, they become ready to harvest in about 4 months. In this way, we can produce 3 yields in a year. On average one fish can grow upto 2 kilograms during this interval. Thus producing approximately 10500 kilograms per year.
• Expected Milk Production: On average one buffalo gives 10 liters of milk per day (can give upto 16litres per day). On average a buffalo can give milk 260 to 300 days in a year. Let us assume that the buffalo gives milk 260 days a year. Then we can calculate that rearing 10 buffalos can produce up to 26000 liters of milk per year. Furthermore, we can produce calves that can be sold with value.
• Expected Egg Production
Chicken Eggs: The layers are brought into the cage after 16 weeks of hatching. We have 120 layers of chicken in the cage system of chicken rearing. The egg production rate of chicken is considered to be 80%. i.e. if we rear 100 chickens then we can obtain 80 eggs daily. Considering this fact they can produce 34560 eggs per year.
Duck Eggs: Adult ducks start laying eggs at the age of 6-7 months and can last up to 3-5 years. We have 50 ducks. The egg production rate of duck is greater than that of chicken which is 90% i.e. if we rear 100 ducks can get 90 eggs daily. Considering this fact they can produce 16425 eggs per year.
• Expected Piglet Production : A good Sow can produce up to 10 piglets in each pregnancy and can have up to 2 litters each year. We have 5 sows. Let us assume only 8 piglets per litter then we can consider that 80 piglets are produced per year.
• Meat Production: Meat is the complementary product that comes with animal husbandry. The layers of chicken stop their production after 2 years and have to be replaced by the young ones. They can be utilized as meat products. Ducks also stop production after certain years and hence can be utilized as meat products. The pigs can also be used as meat products after they stop bearing piglets. The buffalos after aging can be traded to make meat products.
4. Conclusion and Recommendations
Finally, the Integrated Livestock Farming System model was prepared after the data collection and analysis, which is to be applied in the field. A study of the Integrated Farming system was done through various analyses and data. It was concluded that the output of one enterprise becomes the input for another enterprise in such a farming model. Quantity Estimation of various components of the Integrated Farming System was done per the Drawings. The research model portrays the scope of such a farming system in the days to come. We recommend that such type of system should be practiced in various parts of the country and extended research on biochemical and environmental analysis should be done.
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This is the web copy of an article that was originally published in the print version of 'The agrineer 2023' - Annual Magazine.
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