July 2024
Socio-Economic Impact Study of Sheshnarayan Dakshinkali Irrigation SubProject, Dakshinkali, Kathmandu

Socio-Economic Impact Study of Sheshnarayan Dakshinkali Irrigation SubProject, Dakshinkali, Kathmandu


This article presents an impact study that assesses the effects of the Sheshnarayan Dakshinkali Irrigation Sub-Project on the local community and environment. The study aims to analyze changes in crop yields, crop diversity, and income levels for farmers, as well as changes in water availability and water quality. Additionally, the sustainability of the project is evaluated, focusing on its ability to provide long-term benefits to the community beyond the project's funding period.  The study incorporates an assessment of the maintenance and management of the irrigation infrastructure, as well as the extent of community participation in the project's planning and implementation. Furthermore, the research explores indirect effects, including their potential impact on the local economy, such as the creation of new jobs or business opportunities. To gather comprehensive data, a combination of surveys, interviews, and field observations was conducted, ensuring the inclusion of both quantitative and qualitative information. The study's findings are expected to make significant contributions to the sustainable development of the irrigation sector in Nepal.  

Keywords: Crop Yields, Crop Diversity, Water Quality, Sustainable Development


✏️ Sajit Raj Karki1, Samjhana Bhetwal2, Kasam Timsina3

1 Senior Agricultural Engineer, Green Eye Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

2 Agricultural Engineer


Nepal, known for its predominantly agrarian society, heavily relies on agriculture as the primary source of livelihood for a majority of its population. However, the country's irrigation infrastructure has been a persistent challenge, leading to limited access to reliable water sources for crop cultivation. With only 30% of arable land currently benefiting from irrigation, farmers face significant constraints in achieving optimal crop yields and sustainable income levels.  

Recognizing the urgent need to address these issues, there has been a growing interest in recent years to improve irrigation infrastructure in Nepal. The government, in collaboration with international organizations, has undertaken various irrigation projects, such as the Irrigation System Project (ISP) and the Medium Irrigation Project (MIP), to enhance the irrigation network and increase agricultural productivity.  

One noteworthy initiative among these projects is the Shesnarayan Dakshinkali Irrigation SubProject. Its primary objective is to improve irrigation infrastructure in the Shesnarayan Dakshinkali area, situated within the picturesque Kathmandu Valley. This sub-project aims to provide efficient irrigation facilities to approximately 32 hectares of agricultural land, with the ultimate goal of improving the livelihoods of farmers in the region.  

Despite the promising nature of such endeavours, the impacts of these irrigation projects on the local community and environment are not yet well understood. It is crucial to conduct a comprehensive impact study to assess the effects of the Shesnarayan Dakshinkali Irrigation SubProject, encompassing various dimensions and aspects.  

This impact study seeks to evaluate the multifaceted consequences of the project, encompassing changes in crop yields, crop diversity, and income levels for farmers. By examining these indicators, researchers can gauge the direct benefits of the sub-project in terms of enhanced agricultural productivity and improved economic well-being for the local farming community.  


Research Design

This research evaluates the impact of the Sheshnarayan Dakshinkali Irrigation Sub Project on the local community and environment, focusing on changes in crop yields, income levels, water availability and quality, sustainability, maintenance, and community participation. It provides valuable insights and recommendations for future irrigation projects in Nepal, using a mixed methods approach of surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gain a comprehensive understanding of the project's outcomes.  

Study Area

The Sheshnarayan Dakshinkali Irrigation Sub Project is located at Dakshinkali Municipality-5 which is around 14.5 km away from Balkhu. The project location is at an altitude of around 1500 m.  The latitude and Longitude of the project area are 27°36'59.18" and 85°15'50.57"E.  

Methods of Data Collection   

1.   Primary Data Collection: It involves a household survey with structured questionnaires administered to project beneficiaries. The survey covered irrigation, agriculture, water management, and other relevant aspects. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were conducted to gather in-depth insights on the research topic. Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) were conducted with relevant personnel to supplement FGD findings. Secondary data were collected from reports and documents.  

2.   Secondary Data Collection: It includes reports, documents, and articles, to complement the primary data. This secondary data encompassed feasibility and baseline survey reports, design reports, environment study reports, monitoring reports, budget and expenditure documents, and information from the Agriculture Knowledge Centre and Water Resource and Irrigation Development Division. The integration of secondary data enriched the research methodology and analysis.  

Data Processing & Analysis

Data analysis was conducted using MS Excel, employing both qualitative and quantitative techniques. After data collection, calculations relevant to the analysis were performed to derive meaningful insights from the data.

Results and Discussion  

1. General Overview of Irrigation System:  

The Sheshnarayan Dakshinkali Irrigation Sub Project is one such initiative that aims to improve the irrigation infrastructure in Nepal. The farmers in the sub-project area used to convey water from the intake near the Sheshnarayan temple through earthen channels in the past during the monsoon season before the implementation of the project. The water was not adequate to irrigate all farmer's fields, especially during the winter season. After the implementation of the project, the farmers in the project area formed a WUA for the operation and maintenance of canals. The proposed work is the rehabilitation of the existing irrigation system.  

2.   Land Holding Pattern:  

Most of the farmers in the project area are owners of land. However, some farmers have taken land on lease and are currently running farms. Even though the land holding pattern is not uniform farmers hold around 4-5 ropani of land including leased land.  

3. Major Occupation  

The majority around 51% of the respondents belong to the agriculture sector followed by service, business and others.

4.  Income and Expenditure:  

In the project area, agriculture is the primary occupation for the respondents. However, most of them stated that they have not been able to generate significant income from agriculture, as the crop yield is primarily sufficient for family consumption. Only a few farmers with larger farms can generate some savings from agriculture. The main sources of income from agriculture include vegetables, wheat, and paddy. A small number of respondents send their crops to the market, earning approximately NRS 25,000 per month. Other sources of income for the respondents include labour, electrician work, services, and business, contributing to a monthly income of around NRS 30,000. Surprisingly, only a few farmers in the project area are involved in livestock farming, resulting in minimal income generation from this sector.  

5.  Change in Cropping Intensity:

The project intervention aimed to increase the productivity of crops and crop intensity in the command area by rehabilitating existing irrigation facilities. So after the intervention cropping intensities increased to 231%. From the figure we can conclude that cropping intensities have increased to 231% from 169%. The table below shows a comparison of crop intensities during the different seasons before and after the project interventions in the respondent's land.  

6.  Change in Cropping Pattern:  

After the implementation of the project, the cropping pattern of farmers in the project area changes hugely as compared to the old pattern. Most of the farmers used to grow paddy during the monsoon season and maize during the winter season. But after the implementation project, most of the respondents told during the field survey that they have started growing high-yielding vegetables during winter and summer. Now farmers grow paddy and vegetables during summer while wheat, potato and vegetables during the winter.  

7. Agricultural Productivity  

Overall, the productivity of agricultural products increased after the implementation of SDISP which is due to sufficient irrigation.

Summer & Monsoon Crops


Before Project (t/ha)

After Project (t/ha)










Winter Crops


Before Project (t/ha)

After Project (t/ha)
















8. Project Impact:  

Several factors, including poverty reduction, food sufficiency, higher income and spending, decreased workload for women, gender equality, and migration, were used to assess the irrigation system's impact in the command area.

(i) Economic Sustainability: The project's implementation has had a significant impact on raising the standard of living for the underprivileged. One of the biggest effects following the project's implementation in the command area is a decrease in poverty.  

(ii)  Employment: Farmers have begun selling their goods on the market as a result of the growth in agricultural productivity on irrigated land. Farmers who previously relied on seasonal and off-seasonal veggies for their living now have revenue. As a result, one of the key industries in this command area is the production of out-of-season vegetables. There is a visible increase in employment opportunities for farmers due to the provision of irrigation.  

(iii). Food Sufficiency: Overall, most of the respondents told that the cultivated food items are just sufficient to fulfil their household demands. About 10% of respondents responded that the food is not sufficient for a whole year and they need to buy food products from the market.   

(iv) Women’s Drudgery: Since women perform most agricultural labour, it goes without saying that the lack of water in agricultural fields adds to the burdens they already bear. This irrigation project's greatest benefit to women has been the reduction of their fieldwork workload and hardship.  

(v) Time-Saving Utilization:   To transfer water from the source into their irrigation canal, farmers used to devote important time. They also need to spend more time distributing water to their farms. The farmers had to wait for their turn because the water flow was limited. Farmers who steal water are dishonest, therefore disagreements are frequent. Peasants greatly increased their time for animal husbandry after the project participated in the project region. Similar to this, the civilization built an alluring social harmony that decreased water conflicts.  

Conclusion and Recommendations

A) Conclusions: In conclusion, the study on the impact of the SDISP irrigation canal has provided significant insight into the positive effects that the efficient operation of an irrigation canal can have on a community. The successful operation of the canal has improved agricultural productivity, increased crop yield, and promoted economic growth in the surrounding areas. The efficient water distribution system has ensured that the farmers have access to water when they need it, allowing them to increase their crop production and maximize their profits.  

B) Recommendations: To ensure the successful implementation and long-term sustainability of the canal system, a series of important recommendations can be put forth. Firstly, addressing accessibility issues is of paramount importance to guarantee the equitable distribution of benefits to all farmers in the region. This may necessitate improvements in transportation infrastructure or the provision of alternative means of access for remote areas. Concurrently, measures must be implemented to minimize environmental impacts associated with the canal, such as soil salinization and the loss of wildlife habitat. Achieving this objective entails adopting and promoting sustainable farming practices while preserving and protecting natural ecosystems.  


  1. Sheshnarayan Irrigation Sub-Project: Detail Project Report. Kathmandu: Department of  Irrigation,2021  

  2. NPC, Three Years Plan (2014-2016). Kathmandu: National Planning Commission, 2014.  

  3. GoN, Irrigation Policy. Kathmandu: Government of Nepal,2060.  

  4. Bagale, D. R. (n.d.). Socioeconomic Impacts of FMIS after Rehabilitation Case Study of Bakultar Irrigation Project, Mahadevsthan, Dhading. SCITECH Nepal, Vol. 14, No. 1,

  5. Paudyal, N. P. (2011). Role of Irrigation in Crop Production and Productivity: A Comparative Study of Tube Well and Canal Irrigation in Shreepur VDC of Kanchanpur District. The Geographical Journal of Nepal, Vol. 8, 2010-2011: 53-62, 53-62.

This is the web copy of an article that was originally published in the print version of 'The agrineer 2023' - Annual Magazine

Implementation of Greenhouses on High Hills of Nepal: A Case Study of Jiri, Dolakha
Implementation of Greenhouses on High Hills of Nepal: A Case Study of Jiri, Dolakha

Implementation of Greenhouses on High Hills of Nepal: A Case Study of Jiri, Dolakha


This research paper focuses on implementing greenhouses in the high hills of Jiri, Dolakha, Nepal, to address agricultural production challenges and promote sustainable practices for enhanced food security. The study explores the feasibility of greenhouse technology in adverse climatic conditions, considering the characteristics of steep slopes and limited arable land in hill and mountain ecosystems. Jiri, located at an altitude of 1905 meters, experiences temperatures ranging from 3°C to 25°C and receives significant rainfall, with July recording 779.72mm. The research aims to identify suitable greenhouse types, evaluate existing ones, optimize resource utilization, and propose specific requirements for greenhouse implementation in Jiri. Through a systematic methodology involving greenhouse analysis, soil sampling, and thorough assessment of hydrological and meteorological conditions, the research addresses challenges such as low temperatures, winter dysfunction, snowfall damage, and excessive surface runoff. A High Tech Polycarbonate greenhouse is recommended for its durability, offering 200 times the strength of traditional structures, individual panel replacement, and optimal light diffusion. The proposed design includes essential features for greenhouse implementation, contributing to sustainable agriculture in high hills, overcoming challenges, and providing valuable insights for similar geographical contexts.   

Keywords: Adverse Climatic Condition, Winter Dysfunction, Snowfall, Polycarbonate Greenhouse, Durability  


✏️Er. Rupesh Acharya1, Er. Ramesh Regmi2

1 Chief Executive Officer, Green Eye Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Sunsari, Nepal 

2Engineer, Agriculture Knowledge Center, Palpa, Nepal


Hill and mountain ecosystem spread over the world and nearly one fifth of land surface belongs to this ecosystem. Steeps slopes and higher relief are the major characteristics of this ecosystem that limits the arable land for agricultural production and productivity (KUMAR, KUMAR, & K., 2019). Protected cultivation using greenhouse technology tempts one’s mind, as it permits enormous modification in microclimate enabling the cultivation of crops in adverse climatic, caring least for the outside environment. Vrikshayurveda, an epic of 11th century AD by Surapala, states that any plant/tree could be grown anywhere provided king, treasury and destiny are favorable. This is an indication that agricultural experts of that era were aware of the protected cultivation methods (Sharma, 2013).  

Project Location

The maximum humidity recorded so far is 95%  while the average humidity of Jiri is close to the location for the case study is selected in Jiri, also called Switzerland of Nepal, in the Dolakha district. It is the main gateway for the Everest region. The altitude of Jiri is 1905 m from the mean sea level. The location was chosen due to the very less temperature here which ranges from 14°c to 25° during the daytime. Meanwhile, the temperature during nighttime ranges from 3°c to 16°c. The project area has a maximum of 25 rainy days in July and August, with maximum precipitation of 779.72mm in the month of July.

Figure 1: Average Temperature Graph for Jiri.
Figure 1: Average Temperature Graph for Jiri.

Figure 2: Average Rainfall Amount (mm) and Rainy Days
Figure 2: Average Rainfall Amount (mm) and Rainy Days

Figure 3: Average Cloud and Humidity (%)
Figure 3: Average Cloud and Humidity (%)  


General Objective: To implement greenhouses on high hills of Nepal in order to promote sustainable agriculture and enhance food security.   

Specific Objectives

  • To study the types of greenhouses that are suitable for this location.  

  • To study the working status of greenhouses that are present on the project site.  

  • To provide suitable way to extend growing seasons in challenging geographical conditions by providing protection against harsh weather.  

  • To optimize resource utilization by minimizing water loss, reducing nutrient leaching, and effectively managing pests and diseases.  

  • To promote crop diversification by creating suitable conditions for growing a wide range of crops in greenhouses.  

  • To propose the greenhouse with its detailed project report suitable for the environment of Jiri.  


The study of existing greenhouses was done in the periphery of Jiri Technical School, which had constructed different types of greenhouses. The functioning of each greenhouse is studied and data were recorded. The random method based on the variability of the land was used to collect soil samples. The soil samples collected were fully representative as possible, and all precaution was taken to ensure that, as far as possible, the samples didn’t undergo any changes in the interval between sampling and examination. All the hydrological and meteorological status of the project area was properly studied. A suitable plan for the greenhouse is prepared based on the sample collected.   


The major challenge of the project is the very low temperature the surrounding experiences. The temperature goes down up to 3°c. Other existing greenhouses seem to dis-function during the winter season. Another major problem perceived there is snowfall. A very low climate precipitates snow on the roof of the greenhouse and the structures, and plastic covers over the roof are damaged. Besides, high rainfall during the monsoon makes excessive surface runoff due to which the base of the greenhouse is damaged. The moisture present in the air makes it difficult for plant growth and early decaying of fruit and vegetable products. The existing greenhouses are rated below average for their functioning status despite the good quality content of the soil, in high hills.   


The High Tech Polycarbonate greenhouse is suggested for these kinds of climatic conditions. Polycarbonate greenhouses are more durable and 200 times stronger than plastic/glass. When polycarbonate needs to be replaced, it’s easy to remove the panels individually to make repairs. Polycarbonate greenhouses help diffuse light more evenly than plastic greenhouses, which helps plants thrive and even grow faster (Glass or Polycarbonate Greenhouse, 2019). Polycarbonate cold frames can protect alpine plants from rain and prevent them from rotting and shield young annual plants. The size of 29*14 square meters of the greenhouse is recommended on the site. A flat brick soling is done to fortify the foundation of the structure. A 0.45m wall is proposed in the base, to give strength against surface runoff. The covering work includes the installation of 8mm cellulose polycarbonate all around the greenhouse. Two fans are suggested on MS Grouted Frame capable of exhausting air volume in one minute, together with a cooling pad of 16 square meters. The irrigation system is drip, which is controlled using an automation system. This automation system also regulates the hot air blower, proposed inside the greenhouse, if the temperature goes below the critical. The gutter is supplied through both sides with a 2% slope for draining roof water.     

Figure 4:  Section of Proposed High Tech Green House
Figure 4:  Section of Proposed High Tech Green House


Table 1: Comparison of polycarbonate greenhouse over plastic/glass greenhouse on high hills


High Tech Polycarbonate Greenhouse

Other Greenhouse

Climatic Impacts

The surrounding inside the greenhouse is independent of the temperature, relative humidity and other any climatic aspects outside the greenhouse. These factors are controlled automatically as per requirement inside the greenhouse. The less, or nearly zero damage is made by snowfall in its roof.

The cold temperature is penetrated somehow through their covering materials along with the moisture, mostly during winter. There is greater impact of snowfall in the roof covering.


The initial investment cost is relatively higher than the others. Nevertheless, the maintenance cost is less comparatively.

The initial investment cost is relatively less than the high tech greenhouse. Nevertheless, the maintenance cost is much more than that of it.

Resource Use  


Less labor-intensive with high utilization of production inputs like fertilizer and irrigation through automation system.

More labor-intensive as every functions inside is done manually. Also, labor is required over and over for maintenance.


Yields higher productivity under controlled environment.

Yields less productivity due to variation in temperature.

Disease and Pest

Less chance of spreading of insects and diseases.

High chance of spreading of insects and diseases.


Higher food quality.

Generally, lower food quality.


High initial investment so payback period is high.

Payback period is comparatively lower.



Farmers can cultivate different suited horticultural commodities provided that the greenhouse is properly designed and equipped to control the climatic parameters. It is necessary to find out the research gaps and given clear recommendations for the overall handling of these gaps in the area of protected cultivation through government and non- governmental institutional (Rayemajhy, Kafle, Amgai, & Joshi, 2020). However, the initial and long standing costs of the facility, non-availability of various structural components, and non-standardization of region based greenhouse and other structures design and lack of awareness are major limiting factors in the adaptation of this technology (Dalai, Tripathy, Mohanta, Sahu, & Palai, 2020).  


  •  Dalai, S., Tripathy, B., Mohanta, S., Sahu, B., & Palai, J. B. (2020, December). Green-houses: Types and    Structural  Components.   Retrieved  from   Research  Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347914734_Greenhouses_Types_and_Structural_Components   

  • Glass or Polycarbonate Greenhouse. (2019, October 31). Retrieved from Gothic Arch Greenhouses: https:// www.gothicarchgreenhouses.com/blog/glass-or-polycarbonate-greenhouse/  

  • Jiri Climate Weather Averages. (n.d.). Retrieved from World Weather Online: https:// www.worldweatheronline.com 

  • KUMAR, M., KUMAR, N., & K., S. (2019). GREENHOUSE FARMING IN HIGH ALTITUDE AREAS OF NORTH-WEST HIMALAYAN REGION OF INDIA: A. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 7944-7949.  

  •  Rayemajhy, R. J., Kafle, A., Amgai, S., & Joshi, K. R. (2020, April). Different types of Green houses for producing Horticultural Commodities in Nepal. Retrieved from Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/340428587_Different_types_of_Green_houses_for_producing_Horticultural_Commodities_in_Nepal  

  • Sharma, N. (2013). Greenhouse Technologies for Hill Agriculture. In P. K. Dwivedi, Hill Agriculture : The Economics and Sustainability Pp247-262 (p. 247). New Delhi: New India Publishing Agency.  

This is the web copy of an article that was originally published in the print version of 'The agrineer 2023' - Annual Magazine