Questions asked on Open Competitive Written Examination for Agricultural Engineer (Seventh class officer) post of Agricultural Engineering

Questions asked on  Open Competitive Written Examination for Agricultural Engineer (Seventh class officer) post of Agricultural Engineering, vacancy announced by Province Public Service Commission,  Bagmati Province Nepal in 2023. Service related questions consisting that written exam was held on 2079/10/20 BS. Total full marks was 100 and exam was of 3 hours. 

प्रदेश लोक सेवा आयोग
बागमती प्रदेश
कृषि सेवा, एगृ.इन्जिनियरिङ समूह, सातौ तह, कृषि इन्जिनियर पदको खुला प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परीक्षा २०७९
परीक्षा मितिः २०७९/१०/२०

पत्र: द्वितीय
पूर्णाङ्क: १००
विषयः सेवा सम्बन्धी
समयः ३ घण्टा

निम्न प्रश्नहरूको उत्तर Section अनुसार छुट्टाछुट्टै उत्तरपुस्तिकामा लेख्नु पर्नेछ, अन्यथा उत्तरपुस्तिका रद्द हुनेछ ।

Section - A: Soil and water conservation [20 Marks]

1. Briefly describe the different methods of canal design. An irrigation channel is to be constructed in course alluvium gravel with 5mm particle size. The channel has to carry 2.8 cumees of discharge and the longitudinal slope is 0.01. The bank of the channel will be protected by grass against scoring. Find the minimum width of channel. [6+4]

2. Describe soil erosion. Explain in detail about the various soil conservation programs undertaken in Nepal. [10]

Section B : Farm machinary [30 Marks]

3. What is power tiller? Describe its utility with various possible attachment suitable for different ecological zone of Nepal. [2+3]

4. What are the weed control measures? Explain the operating principle of compression sprayer. [2+3]

5. List the rice harvesting technologies adopted by Nepalese farmers. Explain the combine harvester with its components with a neat sketch. [10]

6. What are the functions of tillage operation? How the zero tillage is different from minimum tillage? Also name the machineries used for minimum tillage practice. [4+4+2]

Section - C: Post harvest Technology [20 Marks]

7. Explain the importance of grain drying. Explain a continuous type of grain dryer with a neat sketch. [10]

8. Why cold storage is important? describe in brief the working principle of a cold storage unit. [5+5]

Section - D: Others [30 Marks]

9. Define the following with example:[5]
     a. Renewable energy
     b. Non-renewable energy

10. Explain the importance of surface and subsurface drainage in Terai Region of Nepal. What are the challenges of irrigation development in Nepal? [3+2]

11. What are the general requirements for a sheep or goat housing? Mention the types of housing and explain about any one type with a layout diagram. [4+6]

12. What is a farmstead? What are the principal factors which govern the location of the farmstead? [10]

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Agricultural Engineering

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